2011년 1월 24일 월요일

                                 history presentation
good afternoon ladies and gentlemans I'm yon lee. Know I'm gonna talk about "responsibilities of a king".First I will talk about informations from the movie and the internet. Second, I'll talk about CAHRLEMAGNE's responsibility. Third, I'll talk about my opinion about the responsibilities of the king". Well be ready for my fantastic speech!!!
I'm going to talk about my topic, which is " The responsibility of the king" relating to king charlemagne. And I'll talk about him later. But basically he was the holly roman empire. Also, the empire of the west. Anyways I want to mention about how it was hard to find some information about my topic. I went to MR.ganze's site too!!. And 10minute is a lot of hard work for a presentation . Know I'm really gonna start my speech!.
By the way, I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna speak about. First! I will talk about the topic. In that part I'm gonna talk about the definition of responsibility and my opinion about the DEFINITION. Second I'll really start my speech about The responsibility of the king. I'll talk about the informations from the movie and from the internet. Then I'll talk about charlemagne's responsibility. And my opinion about his responsibility. Lastly I'll conclude my opinion and I will tell you what I felt when I was writing this presentation
Know I'm gonna really talk about my speech. First I'll talk about the responsibilities definition. It is " a duty to deal with or take care of somebody or something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong". So it means this man who has a responsibility be blamed if something goes wrong. And I think this is a nonsense. Because it is not the man who has the responsibility of somebody, but the one who made the trouble is unresponsible. BUT,BUT!! According to naver dictionary it says" If you have responsibility for something or someone, or if they are your responsibility, it is your job or duty to deal with them and to take decisions relating to them." So it's the same as the first one, but this thing is your duty and a job. So it doesn't only mean being blamed. On the other hand, I don't like I having reponsibilities. Because as it says if something goes wrong I be blamed. And everybody doesn't like being blamed. After all I think that's a thing I need to change! Also for a tip, I will talk about the king's definition. I apologize that I didn't include this in my handouts. I regretted but it was too late!!! Anyway I will talk about it. King means " the male ruler of an independent state that has a royal family." What the funniest thing I ever heard! A male ruler? a royal family??
I can understand the "male ruler" but a royal family? The reason I can understand the male ruler is that a female ruler is a queen. But I can't understand the royal family. It means a person who doesn't have a royal family has no chance to be a king?? why? There can be a person who is better than the king? And if the king doesn't has a relative. That's a very bad thing but it's good for the person who was selected. This was the end fo my first section" Information about the topic"
From know I'll talk about the topic. Well in my thought I think this is the most highlightening part. And also this is the reason I wrote this presentation. Know I will talk about the real reason I wrote this presentation! Second part "talk about the topic"!!!! First information from the movie. But this is only I thought it showed it so please understand it. First I think it showed a king is a man that makes his territory bigger and larger. Mostly he gifts the general awards because he made his kingdom larger, but sometimes especially when the king is very furious. but the reason I thought this is because when charlemagne became a "grandpa" he is proud of his sons when his three sons conquers a country.
Second, a king controls his troops. I thought this when king charlemagne went to conquer Saragosa in spain he went first of his whole troops. but some arrogant pigs that calls themselves a "king" doesn't know what is a battle. And the result he dies from his -as the arrogant king think so-most honest people.
Know, the informations from the internet! before I start I need to tell you how it was hard it was to find some information in the internet. When I was choosing topic I was confident the informations would just pop out from the internet when I wrote responsibility of a king. But the real world was cruel to me. I was like oh my god where are informations!!! that time I was starving for informations and very ergently! Because the due was coming step by step.
Know the information in the internet. Acorrding to Answer.com of article named "What was a kings responsibility in the past?"it says " a king needs to keep region which was under his power in peace basically he controlled the taxes the ways of punishment, what the social classes were, who would be his knight and where he would start a war or how he would defend his kingdom. He has to take care of the people in his kingdom. he should remove poverty from his kingdom. Sp the ones who doesn't understand this, I will shortly summarize it. It means, a king has a responsibility to keep his territory peacefully and safely. But the kings usually he controled the taxes, punishments, social classes, making an army. but on this thing I don't agree with it. The king needs to take care of his citizens in his kingdom. Usually almost of the kings in Korea didn't even care about them except se-jong. Most of them were crazy and play with girl and drunk. So this "lie", I don't accept it. But for charlemagne, He was very concern with his citizenz as in my thought. Because he actually taught the childrens. So that was impressing. This is the end of my second section and I will start it right know. let's go!
Know I will talk about CHALREMAGNE's responsibility. But first I will talk about chalemagne. Charlemagne is Chales the great. And Charles is the name of holly roman empire. He is the king of the Franks. According to this map in the book name "Historical Atlas fo the medieval world", The kingdom of the franks were located where the France is know. About charlemagne's responsibility. I think it is being rude or obey to his mother. Because in the movie charlemagne marries a woman who queen bertrada says but when Roland destroyed pomplonia which is located here, queen bertrada said "if you ask me...." but charlemagne cut her speech and shouted " I don't need your advise! I didn't ask you!!!" well I think he wasn't rude to his mother. Think, your mother ordering everything! If you're a normal person you woudn't stand it. I'm just surprised and impressed to charles that he standed this much. Any ways the thing I want to say in this section is that even though charles had a much of responsibility for a king he became a holly roman empire but I can't stand this much of homework.
Know this is the end of my speech and I will conclude my speech. My speech was about responsibility of a king. And I said about the definition of responsibility and king. Then my opinion about it. Then I went to the main part and I divided in to two. Informations from the movie and from the movie. Then I related king charlemagne to the topic. Charlmagne's responsibility and my opinion. From know I'll talk about my opinion. I don't have that much so don't sleep. I think I don't want to be a king. Because it has too much responsibility. And the thing I founded when I was writing this presentation is that first 10 miniute is very long, second a king has too much responsibilities. Well that is my end of my speech. Thank you for your attention and time.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Ode to my mp3

Dear mp3.
 Hello mp3, do you know me? Well you must, because I'm your owner. And I'm proud to you. Because you are doing your mission well.you don't think that you have a mission? Well then I'll tell you.Your mission is to make me happy by entertatining me with your memory of the musics. The first time I met you is when I went to kyobo to by a new mp3, do you remember? Well you musn't know. Because you were in a box. I had a choice. To buy you or to buy a mp3 that doesn't have touching screen but a screen that is larger than you. But your black and your carisma was too cool. I thought it was the right thing to me. I don't know when you were born but i like you. Also I bought your friend. My earphone. Be a good friend with him well mp3 be a good man

                                                                                your love YON LEE

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

out my window - durdane The Istanbul woman

Hello, my name is Yon and I'm gonna tell you about Durdane The Istanbul woman. Well, I didn't want to do this because I thought it was hard, but I manged it. The reason I choose Durdane was that she lived in Istanbul. And I went to Istanbul. Istanbul is a beautiful place, but some are dirty. Know I'll compare my self to durdane. Before I start this essay, I want to tell you something. This is from the highrise. Highrise is a web site that shows enviroment of the people all around the world
    First, Durdane is patient. But I'm not that patient. The reason that Durdane is patient is she didn't shout or forced to the owner of her house when she saw there were no roof and the ground were only rough concrete, she never say a word. But she fixed it. But the supriseing thing is she did it herself. with nobody's help! The reason that there was no roof and the floor was hard concrete, it was that the Turkish people wanted money and they made rooms over there roof . They rent them and they have money

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Ummmm.... this is a Korean video that talks about lotte mart having cheap fried chicken. So because of that the others who sales chicken is getting no customers. This is very funny. I strongly advise you to see this


This Halloween, I tried something different. I went as a detective! Detectives are crazy because they solve mysteries. My dad thought it was a good idea for me to take our elephant Scooter along, because every good detective has a(n) elephant, he said.
Things went along smoothly until Scooter saw our neighbor's tiger and chased it up a(n) dectective. I almost dropped my candy, but luckily, Scooter doesn't kill very wonderful.
We then went to sasuke's house to meet him and his little sister. I hate Trick or Treating with little sisters. They are no fun! But sasuke's dad said we had to take her along.
Well, it was a good thing I was a detective, because sasuke's little sister ran away from us and we were really scared that she was lost. Luckily, Scooter sniffed her out and brought her back to us. She had only gone across the street to see her friends. I'm such a(n) mean detective!

owww~ Charlie bit me

Owww~~~ charlie bit me ! So be careful!!!

Diamante poems - Angels and Devils

Angel and Devil

bright clean
telling praiseing flying
white goldfeathers black red
lieing torturing killing
dirty betray