2011년 1월 17일 월요일


This Halloween, I tried something different. I went as a detective! Detectives are crazy because they solve mysteries. My dad thought it was a good idea for me to take our elephant Scooter along, because every good detective has a(n) elephant, he said.
Things went along smoothly until Scooter saw our neighbor's tiger and chased it up a(n) dectective. I almost dropped my candy, but luckily, Scooter doesn't kill very wonderful.
We then went to sasuke's house to meet him and his little sister. I hate Trick or Treating with little sisters. They are no fun! But sasuke's dad said we had to take her along.
Well, it was a good thing I was a detective, because sasuke's little sister ran away from us and we were really scared that she was lost. Luckily, Scooter sniffed her out and brought her back to us. She had only gone across the street to see her friends. I'm such a(n) mean detective!

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