2011년 1월 18일 화요일

out my window - durdane The Istanbul woman

Hello, my name is Yon and I'm gonna tell you about Durdane The Istanbul woman. Well, I didn't want to do this because I thought it was hard, but I manged it. The reason I choose Durdane was that she lived in Istanbul. And I went to Istanbul. Istanbul is a beautiful place, but some are dirty. Know I'll compare my self to durdane. Before I start this essay, I want to tell you something. This is from the highrise. Highrise is a web site that shows enviroment of the people all around the world
    First, Durdane is patient. But I'm not that patient. The reason that Durdane is patient is she didn't shout or forced to the owner of her house when she saw there were no roof and the ground were only rough concrete, she never say a word. But she fixed it. But the supriseing thing is she did it herself. with nobody's help! The reason that there was no roof and the floor was hard concrete, it was that the Turkish people wanted money and they made rooms over there roof . They rent them and they have money

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