2011년 1월 7일 금요일

writing chain: About success by class 24

   Hello my name is YON. this is my writing chain. I began about success, but to me it became like a political success about road.And I don't like the end fo thios essay but it was over my expectation. But I would make like a fiction story.    
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Success is something everybody wants. But it'snaot that easy. You need to ahve good brain, body, and many bucks. that's the big 3B. Spme people thinks success is many money, but success is when you did something and happy with it, it;s success! how ever, today we want money. So most of the people thinks much money are success. WRONG! WRONG! Think. if you have 9 trillion$, but if your not happy, would you call it success?
    Here a way to success. First, you must find the right road. some people wak the road aldone, some people walk together. You don't know when you see your road. Second, is to get your road. when you have a chance to success, youi grasp it. But remember, roads don't appear out of thin air. Sometimes you are the one who creates a road. Third, stay on the road. Don't get tempted by anything. Never get your eyes off the road. You will have trials, you will have hard shps, but I promise you, if you never give up, you will definetly, most definetly, succeed. the last thing you should know, you need to think.Alwayslook at the mirror and see i f you are happy. For even a trillion $, can't buy a room of joy. Or have happy feelings. Imagine that one of your parents died and your at the funeral, is it exciting? Iwill guess that you're not. In this cas you can't buy a spirit toi bring back the dead person or anything you want it to happen. Even if you are richer than everybody in this world, one poor homeless person can have more happiness by picking up a lucky coin. so just never brag to others that you are rich because that person might have something better than what you have.

    As you can see, being success is not an easy way to go. It is made up when you work by yourself! Try to do everything seriously, and have a right mind. At least, try and it will work. I never saw a person fail even though they worked hard. If yopu actually fail never get off your roador slip down. Who knows? The person that  that make you success is you, yourself! Belive yourself, and never give up!!!

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