2011년 1월 23일 일요일

Ode to my mp3

Dear mp3.
 Hello mp3, do you know me? Well you must, because I'm your owner. And I'm proud to you. Because you are doing your mission well.you don't think that you have a mission? Well then I'll tell you.Your mission is to make me happy by entertatining me with your memory of the musics. The first time I met you is when I went to kyobo to by a new mp3, do you remember? Well you musn't know. Because you were in a box. I had a choice. To buy you or to buy a mp3 that doesn't have touching screen but a screen that is larger than you. But your black and your carisma was too cool. I thought it was the right thing to me. I don't know when you were born but i like you. Also I bought your friend. My earphone. Be a good friend with him well mp3 be a good man

                                                                                your love YON LEE

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  1. If you aren't finished, you can save it and then publish it. Try to avoid publishing unfinished writing, but good efforts to catch up.
